
This page will be updated when life gets back to some semblance of normal and I
begin to offer workshops again.

In all workshops, you will receive handouts and learn practical techniques to take home with you.

Introduction to Anger Management

This 90-minute workshop is designed so you can:

  • learn what anger is
  • learn what it’s characteristics are
  • learn experiential ways to help identify when anger begins
  • identify what your unique triggers are
  • take appropriate action so both you and those around you can stay safe
  • step-down from the damage anger can cause

Knowing and practicing these techniques will help you make choices so that no additional harm comes into the situation or relationship.
Is it easy? No. Is it important to learn? Yes—definitely.

Relationship Communication for Men

[Description to come.]

Mental Health & Stress Management

[Description to come.]

Healthy Relationships

[Description to come.]

The Brain: Substance Dependence and Mental Health

[Description to come.]